CTP Lifters/Tappets are designed for extreme performance and quiet valve train operation. We offer a wide range of designs including flat bottom lifters and roller design lifters. Valvetrain geometry and accuracy are the key to improved fuel economy and overall engine performance. CTP lifters are manufactured from the finest materials and maximum hardness for a long reliable life.

Part No. Engine Model Mechanism Attached to:
7C6078 3116 Fuel Pump & Valve
1329793 3208 Valve Gp
9N5786 1140, 1145, 1150, 1160, 3145, 3150, 3160, 3208 Cylinder head & Valve
8N1317 3304, 3306 Fuel Injection
4223883 3306, 3406/C, 3408/C/E, 3412/E, G3406 Valve Gp
4W0736 3406, 3408B, 3412 Fuel Injection
3467515 3508, 3512, 3516, G3508, G3512/E, G3516 Valve Gp
2027475 C10, C11, C12, C13, 3176/C, 3196 Valve Gp
2511005 C10, C11, C12, C13, 3176/C, 3196 Valve Gp
4535998 C9, C9.3 Valve Gp
1021561 D379, D398, D399, G398 Cylinder head & Valve
7S3161 D6C, D7F, D330A, D330C, D333A/B,C, 3304, 3306 Cylinder head & Valve
6N6794 D6D, 120G, D5B Pump Gp & Fuel Injection
5S1220 D7E, D8, D8H, D342 Cylinder head & Valve
2H3069 D9, D9D, D9E, D9G, D353 Cylinder head & Valve

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions.
Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only.